Recommendation letter by Helsinki Region Transport
See the configuration used in Helsinki area, and how the responsible transport authority finds Plusdial’s performance, in words of a recommendation letter:
The Plusdial Ticketing Platform and related mobile ticketing services have been provided by Plusdial Oy for HSL (Helsinki Region Transport), responsible for public transport in the Greater Helsinki region in Finland.
Service contract was awarded to Plusdial in April 2012, the service was then implemented and launched by Plusdial in July 2012, and later Plusdial has also been re-chosen as the service provider since Jan 1, 2018.
During the first years of the contract, Plusdial was responsible for providing HSL with text message based mobile ticketing service with corresponding telecom operator messaging and billing connectivity. At latter stages, interfaces and functionality for ordering, charging and delivering smart phone application-based tickets were added in such an analogous manner that existing processes for ticket inspection, service management, reporting etc. were not required to be changed. Since text message tickets were then later abandoned in accordance to introduction of a new zone-based system, Plusdial has continued to provide a back-office system for application tickets, including functions for
- Telecom operator billing
- Support for also tickets purchased with other payment methods and third party MaaS providers’ tickets
- Issuance and reporting of all mobile tickets
- User interface for end customer services – for both HSL’s own as well as an outsourced one – with functionality like managing separate user accounts and related user rights, handling credit card and other reclamations, and managing continuous season ticket subscriptions
- Service management user interface, including functionality like refund management, management of the ticket selection and ticket properties, reporting, and special functionality like distribution of daily ticket security elements to inspectors, and creation and reporting for ticket vouchers for the needs of HSL’s Company Sales and refund handling
- Tools for ticket inspectors and their foremen
- Provision of separate testing and development environment
- Support for end customer services and system users
- Comprehensive automatic monitoring and fault alarming functions of ticket and end customer billing traffic and automatic notifications for HSL personnel
Plusdial’s Ticketing Platform has been provided in a doubled configuration, and it has been very stable and superb in its availability, with uptime of over 99,995%, throughout the whole contract period. Even system updates have not caused downtime in ticket sales.
I am also very pleased with the promptness and quality of Plusdial’s service management and development services, as well as to the fluency of their co-operation with telecom operators and other third parties providing the mobile applications and other systems of HSL.
By the end of 2018 altogether 49 Million mobile tickets were sold through the Plusdial Ticketing Platform. In 2018, the average monthly sales were 1,9 Million tickets, rising to 2,5 Million monthly tickets towards the end of 2018, and up to average of 2,6 Million during 2019.
Regarding overall the systems and services on Plusdial’s responsibility, ease and fluency of implementation, technical support, reliability and continuity of the Plusdial Platform solution, I find them having been carried out in an excellent manner. I can warmly recommend Plusdial to public transport companies and authorities looking for solutions to sell their tickets digitally via third parties payment methods and applications.
Risto Vaattovaara
Head of Ticketing and Information System
HSL Helsinki Region Transport